Jobseeker Diary

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Revision as of 19:46, 29 July 2022 by Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''Jobseeker Diary''' (JSD) was an Australian diary issued to those looking for employment while in receipt of the Commonwealth government's Centrelink benefit Newstart. Issued in a stapled booklet form from July 1995, it followed on from the Keating Labor government's 1994 ''Working Nation'' package of welfare and labour reforms, which included a requirement to undertake detailed, monitored job searches which could not previously be provided on existing jobseeker fortni...")
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Jobseeker Diary (JSD) was an Australian diary issued to those looking for employment while in receipt of the Commonwealth government's Centrelink benefit Newstart. Issued in a stapled booklet form from July 1995, it followed on from the Keating Labor government's 1994 Working Nation package of welfare and labour reforms, which included a requirement to undertake detailed, monitored job searches which could not previously be provided on existing jobseeker fortnightly application forms. Benefits would be suspended if participation obligations, which included the diary, were not met.